Three Ingredients to HealServing others, and getting outside ourselves, is an extremely powerful healer for many of life's ailments.
Try a Different Point of ViewTry it. Keep your feet on the ground and talk eye to eye, heart to heart, and just see what happens.
How To Build a Healthy Relationship - 9 SecretsThere are principles that will determine the success of a relationship, it's not luck, it's not magic. It's inevitable to have conflicts...
How To Forgive Yourself & Learn From Your MistakesA lot of people can't seem to do it. How do you forgive yourself when you did something terrible, they ask. Part of the answer is being...
How To Forgive Someone Who Isn't SorryThis is a good question. How can you forgive someone who isn't sorry? Let's first make sure we understand what forgiveness is and what it...
Express Gratitude"Expressing gratitude is one of the most powerful tools we possess. When we express gratitude, especially for difficult things, our...
Construction Material"When we have challenges dumped on us, remember, it may just be construction material to build something better. One essential part in...
Bitter or BetterEach day I either get bitter or I become better. The only difference between these words is the letter “I” and the letter “E”. When I put...
You Are NeededYou are needed in this world. Choose to make a difference in the life of another today. Listen to the promptings you are receiving and...