How To Conquer Your FearsHave you ever thought of your fears as your friend? Intriguing isn't it? Check out LiveOnPurpose TV's latest episode here. How To Conquer...
Self Destructive Behavior In RelationshipsSelf Destructive Behavior In Relationships What we do in a relationship really matters. Watch this video as Paul Jenkins tackles the 4...
The Three ThingsThe Three Things To Choose Hate: 1. Assume the worst 2. Practice pride (You know you are right!) 3. Think to destroy (retaliate, hurt,...
10 Things You Should Never Say To Your ChildThis might surprise you. Dr. Paul shares a list of the things we should never say to our children: 1. Great job 2. Practice makes perfect...
The Importance Of Accountability Without BlameIt's important to take accountability for our choices and it's not the same as blaming ourselves. Sometimes things happen beyond our...
Stop Wishing, and ACTWishing equals idleness. We go nowhere when we wish. When we act, when we put one foot in front of the other, that is when we climb...
How To Cure Depression NaturallyIs there a way to cure depression naturally? First, it's important to understand that depression is not always a disorder. A lot of...
Which Way Are Your Arrows Pointing?When we constantly focus on our needs, our wants, our feelings, we can be blinded by selfishness. We cannot see beyond ourselves. When we...