Stand in DefianceThere is a story of a frog who came face to face with a hungry snake. As the frog sat there pondering his possibilities, he came to the...
How To Reprogram Your Subconscious MindWhat does your mind look like? Today, Paul Jenkins is here to share with us how our subconscious mind works and how it correlates to the...
How To Improve Your Mental Health And MoodSo you want to improve your mental health and mood eh? Sometimes we don't notice the obvious until it's called to our attention. There's...
They Don’t Look Like They’re Drowning"Never let a problem to be solved, [a show to be watched, a task to be done, a book to be read, or a game to be played] become more...
How To Deal With A Boss You HateDo you hate your boss? Every interaction that we have with a person is either a love choice or a hate choice and it's about choosing to...
How To Build a Healthy Relationship - 9 SecretsThere are principles that will determine the success of a relationship, it's not luck, it's not magic. It's inevitable to have conflicts...
Stop Wishing, and ACTWishing equals idleness. We go nowhere when we wish. When we act, when we put one foot in front of the other, that is when we climb...
How To Cure Depression NaturallyIs there a way to cure depression naturally? First, it's important to understand that depression is not always a disorder. A lot of...
Discovering GiftsYou have unique talents and abilities. Just because you don't look or sound the same as someone else does not mean that you don't have...
Living in Fear?You have been given the power to overcome fear, anxiety and stress. #FearNotLittleFlock #BeNotAfraid #BeOfGoodCheer#LabelYourDay