F.E.A.R.Feel the FEAR and do it anyway! Push through. We can run and always wonder what could have been. What happens if you get rejected for...
Real JoyDo you know real joy? Do you offer your service and kindnesses to others? Do you offer your forgiveness? Your acceptance? Your smile?...
Ideal RealityThere is always more to achieve, greater heights to climb, and more skills to master. The joy is in the journey, not just the...
Nothing Will Be In Your WayThe road to any success will always be challenging, it is how you know you are on the right path. Embrace the difficulty. Express...
Finish the BookThere is so much beauty and joy in your future. Keep believing. Keep trusting. Face the future. Look towards the light and keep moving...
Appreciate the RideWe all have ups and downs, and we wouldn't know the ups if we didn't know the downs. At all has a purpose. Appreciate the ride....
Three Ingredients to HealServing others, and getting outside ourselves, is an extremely powerful healer for many of life's ailments.
You Have a PurposeAll of our suffering has a purpose -- if we allow it. We can turn our ashes into beauty, our pain into triumph, our sorrow into joy. It...